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Darko Ornik

In today’s hectic and fast-paced world, everyone longs for a special corner, a sanctuary where they can calm down and get in touch with the basic values of life. For me, this sanctuary is my home workshop, where I create unique handmade jewellery out of wood.

“My name is Darko Ornik and I play many different roles in my life. Among them, there is one that is particularly close to my heart – the role of a craftsman-artist who enjoys the process of creating jewellery from wood with all his heart. My family and I live in a small Slovenian village surrounded by forests and beautiful nature. These surrounding forests are not only part of our everyday life, they have become part of me, my identity”.

My approach to creating jewellery from wood is deeply rooted in the book “The Secret Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben. This book amazed me. It reveals a wonderful world that we unfortunately do not know and often take for granted.

Trees standing silently in the forest are much more than static objects. Each tree is a living being, connected by a complex network of roots through which it communicates with other trees and the life around it. The wood of each tree I use in my jewellery is the bearer of a rich history, the creator of unique patterns and life traditions.

In my work I let the wood lead the way, allowing its patterns and textures to be shaped by nature over the decades. Each piece of wood I use becomes an indispensable element in this complex narrative that we co-create with nature. And when the process of creation takes hold of me, when I immerse myself in working with wood, I seem to become part of this natural network, connected to the heart of the forest.

I don’t see the jewellery I make as just beautiful decoration, but as a bridge between man and nature. Each piece I create is a reminder of the importance of our relationship with the environment. Trees are key players in the ecosystems that feed us and sustain life on earth. My aim is to bring these messages and connections to people through my work, making them aware of the importance of protecting forests and nature.

So, out of a love for wood and nature, and an awareness of the interconnectedness of all living things, I create unique jewellery that is not only decoration, but also a message that reminds us that we are part of this big, beautiful world.

Thank you very much for taking the time to get to know my work and for being open to this connection between man and nature that I am trying to share with the world.
